Quality inspections are often error prone.
Many companies have an elaborate Quality Control function, which inspects various incoming raw materials, packaging materials, work-in-process and finished goods to check whether they conform to the laid down specifications.
Inspection is often done on a sampling basis, which possibly leaves a few defective products to go to consumers. If the consumer complaints are high, we either increase the sample size or resort to more frequent inspection. In certain cases, companies carry out even 100% physical inspection of certain physical characteristics.
Does 100% inspection ensure zero defects? The answer is an emphatic NO, if it is done by people. If you don’t believe me, do carry out a small experiment for yourself. Take any book or magazine and open a page at random. Count the number of times the letter ‘i’ appears on that page. Now ask your family member or a friend or a colleague to repeat it. I won’t be surprised if the two of you come out with different answers.
If 100% inspection is not the solution, how should we manage quality?