Replenishment process creates harmony between Sales and Operations.

Implementing Replenishment process is largely seen as a Supply Chain initiative. However, the major beneficiary of the replenishment process is actually the sales team. Let’s explore.

Sales teams struggle with three major and recurring pain areas. Firstly, when the demand for a product far exceeds its forecast and their customers want to buy more and more, the team realizes that the product is stocked out. Secondly, if the demand slumps, they end up selling older inventory, which is resisted by their customers. Thirdly, since a chunk of their customers’ working capital is tied up in non-moving and slow-moving products, they find it difficult to expand the product assortment.

Replenishment solves al these three pain areas. As a result, sales teams not only enjoy a more harmonious relation with their customers, but also end up performing better on their own goals.

Friction, which sometimes surfaces between Sales and Operations teams, gives way to a more harmonious relationship.