Winning Supply Chains love market surprises!

Markets will continue to surprise us, despite our best planning methodology. How do we treat these surprises? What type of mindset do we bring to action?

The difference between ‘Winners’ and ‘Also Rans’ lies in this mindset. A vast majority of supply chain teams respond with ‘What can we do? It wasn’t in our plan. No one could have foreseen it.’ The market surprises are taken as inevitable external factors beyond their control.

On the other hand, ‘Winners’ take each such market surprise as an opportunity for improving their response mechanism. They work on early detection system, fast response and flexible operations. When a surprise hits them, they end up responding faster than their competitors and getting a competitive edge.

Their investment in developing Agile Response System helps them win every time the market tries to surprise them. And it provides a virtuous feedback loop for them to refine it further.

No wonder ‘Winners’ love market surprises.