Early detection of googlies is only half the solution.

We discussed in my last post how important it is to spot googlies early enough and how the real expert batsmen leverage this capability to their advantage.

I must add here that early detection is necessary but not sufficient. Batsmen must combine this capability with two more capabilities.

The first one is responsiveness… how soon can we convert this advantage into an action plan for execution? Batsmen have to decide whether to go forward, backward or get into a sweep or reverse sweep position. It’s often based on certain heuristics developed through consistent net practice.

The second one is flexibility… how flexible is the footwork to get into the desired position quickly? Batsmen develop this flexibility through focused stretching and muscle building exercises, coupled with consistent net practice.

Supply Chain professionals have a lot to learn from these expert batsmen. We must focus on these three core capabilities of Demand Sensing, Flexibility and Responsiveness. We should also have the Process of Ongoing Improvement (POOGI) to improve upon them continuously.

Would love to hear your thoughts on how deeply these capability improvement actions are embedded in your Supply Chain Transformation program…