‘Future Ready’ initiatives often fail to deliver the intended benefits.

Most companies are currently busy making plans for the next year and a lot of them want to implement ‘Future Ready Manufacturing’ or ‘Future Ready Supply Chain’. If you look at similar initiatives undertaken in the last few years by other companies, majority have failed to live up to the expectations. Why?

Future is not something given to us, successful companies actually work towards creating it. Unless we know what type of future should be created to best leverage our capabilities, we shouldn’t start tweaking our current processes.

Standard templates of ‘Future Ready Manufacturing’ would include IOT, Robotics, Computer Vision, Smart Automation, Digital Twins, etc. which would take a lot of time, effort and money. Many of these may not be relevant to the future we want to create.

Let’s not go by jargons and instead work on what is coming in the way of our envisioned future.