Are you affected by the Shiny Object Syndrome?

Shiny Object Syndrome refers to the tendency to get attracted by the latest management thoughts and practices. Many professionals jump from one technique to the next before spending enough time for the first technique to show results. I have seen teams trying out various techniques like JIT, TPM, Lean, Six Sigma, SMED, TQM, Jidhoka, Poka Yoke without getting substantially improved results.

The good news is that each of these techniques works, provided we apply it in the right context and stay with it for long enough to get the desired results. Moreover, these should be parts of an overall improvement program which identifies where each one should be applied. In the absence of such a program, we spend more time and effort in implementing these techniques than what is truly required.

Let’s start by identifying the overall system improvement program, identify the leverage points where improvement would give us multiplier benefits, identify the specific technique which would be useful in each context and then only apply it.