The path to Supply Chain excellence is contextual.
Companies working on Supply Chain excellence need to craft their path carefully, as it depends on the specific context in which the company operates. Benchmarking and copying others doesn’t help. Starting with a technology solution doesn’t help either.
We must start from the first principles. Start with the consumers, their pain areas and specific opportunities which are likely to give us a Decisive Competitive Edge. The entire Supply Chain Design and Execution processes should be designed with this key input in mind.
We also need to assess our current capabilities in the areas of Demand Sensing, flexibility and responsiveness, and factor these in the initial design.
These capabilities should also be put on the Process of Ongoing Improvement (POOGI), especially in the constraint and bottlenecks area, to further sharpen our competitive edge in future.
If someone offers you a standard template for Supply Chain excellence, it is unlikely to work over time.